Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Epic of the Online Classroom

Epic is a word that can be defined as heroic, majestic, or impressively great.  An online classroom can fit all of these definitions.
The online classroom is heroic in the sense that it allows students to openly express their views in discussion forums.  Discussion forums allow students to research their responses and clearly present them, whereas in the physical classroom, it is normally a very short amount of time a student is given to compile a thoughtful response. With this short amount of time, it is customary that not every answer that is given is correct. Many students, therefore, do not ever try to answer questions in the physical classroom because of fear of being wrong or humiliated.  Due to this, the online classroom offers a place where students can be engaged in learning while having more time to study the material in depth to provide the most educated answer they possibly can.
The online classroom can also be defined as impressively great.  College education was once available only to those who could afford it or by those who obtained scholarships.  Online classrooms offer students a chance to earn a degree while living in their home often at a distance from the college. Flexible hours allow students to keep their jobs while working on a degree. The online classrooms have also helped mothers stay at home with their children and further their education. The online classroom has become a great equalizer in providing educational opportunities to those who would not otherwise be able to afford one. Just as in the classic epics, the heroes have a chance to prove their abilities and feats through a series of challenges which furl out before them. So, too, the students have a chance to prove their own skills and overcome obstacles which may have prevented them from obtaining the proverbial Golden Fleece.
The online classroom also has the focus of the epic drama. Rather than the movies, video games or other pastimes available online, the online classrooms provide an opportunity for students to study problems or subjects analytically. While other forms of media rely on emotional responses from the viewer, the online classroom looks for the cerebral responses.
The epic of the online classroom can also be defined as a series of events which made the modern online classrooms possible.  The online classrooms have a come a long way from the delivery using only audio components. The use of webcams, videoconferencing and other technology has made great strides to bring the classrooms into the home.